
Nepal’s response against HIV/AIDS begun with the launching of first National AIDS Prevention and Control Program in 1988. National HIV/AIDS Policy with 12 key policy statements and supportive structures like National AIDS Coordination Committee (NACC) and District AIDS coordination Committee to guide and coordinate the response at central and district level was endorsed in 1995.As directed by the National HIV/AIDS Policy, a multi-sector National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC) chaired by the Minister of Health and Population, members representation from different ministries, civil society, and private sector was established to coordinate, support and monitor the activities implemented through NCASC. Similarly, DACC was established to coordinate and monitor the activities at district level.

In 2002 a National AIDS Council (NAC) was established, chaired by the Prime Minister, to raise the profile of HIV/AIDS. The NAC was intended to set overall policy, lead high level advocacy, and provide overall guidance and direction to the national response to AIDS in Nepal. The latest national policy on HIV and AIDS (2010) have envisioned a more concrete policy framework for making AIDS free society with the overall policy aim of reducing impact of HIV among people by reducing new HIV infections.

Recently Nepal has expressed its high level political commitment to Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS June 2011. The 2011 declaration builds on two previous political declarations: the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. At UNGASS, in 2001, Member States unanimously adopted the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. This declaration reflected global consensus on a comprehensive framework to achieve Millennium Development Goal Six-: halting and beginning to reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015. Thus, to ensure the effective response to the HIV epidemic in Nepal and so to fulfil the accountability of the response, Nepal has already implemented three rounds national HIV/AIDS strategic plan. The recent National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2016 has laid a concrete road map in planning, programming and reviewing of the national response to the epidemic.

Nepal will become a place where new HIV infection are rare and when they do occur, every person will have access to high quality, life extending care without any form of discrimination.


To achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.


  • Reduce new HIV infections by 50 percent by 2016, compared to 2010;
  • Reduce HIV-related deaths by 25 percent by 2016 (compared with a 2010 baseline) through universal access on treatment and care services; and
  • Reduce new HIV infections in children by 90 percent by 2016 (compared with a 2010 baseline)


Nepal’s response against HIV/AIDS begun with the launching of first National AIDS Prevention and Control Program in 1988. National HIV/AIDS Policy with 12 key policy statements and supportive structures like National AIDS Coordination Committee (NACC) and District AIDS coordination Committee to guide and coordinate the response at central and district level was endorsed in 1995.As directed by the National HIV/AIDS Policy, a multi-sector National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC) chaired by the Minister of Health and Population, members representation from different ministries, civil society, and private sector was established to coordinate, support and monitor the activities implemented through NCASC. Similarly, DACC was established to coordinate and monitor the activities at district level.

In 2002 a National AIDS Council (NAC) was established, chaired by the Prime Minister, to raise the profile of HIV/AIDS. The NAC was intended to set overall policy, lead high level advocacy, and provide overall guidance and direction to the national response to AIDS in Nepal. The latest national policy on HIV and AIDS (2010) have envisioned a more concrete policy framework for making AIDS free society with the overall policy aim of reducing impact of HIV among people by reducing new HIV infections.

Recently Nepal has expressed its high level political commitment to Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS June 2011. The 2011 declaration builds on two previous political declarations: the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. At UNGASS, in 2001, Member States unanimously adopted the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. This declaration reflected global consensus on a comprehensive framework to achieve Millennium Development Goal Six-: halting and beginning to reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015. Thus, to ensure the effective response to the HIV epidemic in Nepal and so to fulfil the accountability of the response, Nepal has already implemented three rounds national HIV/AIDS strategic plan. The recent National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2016 has laid a concrete road map in planning, programming and reviewing of the national response to the epidemic.

Nepal will become a place where new HIV infection are rare and when they do occur, every person will have access to high quality, life extending care without any form of discrimination.


To achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.


  • Reduce new HIV infections by 50 percent by 2016, compared to 2010;
  • Reduce HIV-related deaths by 25 percent by 2016 (compared with a 2010 baseline) through universal access on treatment and care services; and
  • Reduce new HIV infections in children by 90 percent by 2016 (compared with a 2010 baseline)