Nepal has achieved the elimination of leprosy as a public health problem in December 2009 and declared elimination in 2010. Department of Health Services acknowledged the achievement as one of the major success stories of the health sector in the past decades. Although significant progress has been made in reducing the disease burden at national level, sustaining the achievement & further reducing the disease burden through delivering quality leprosy services still remain as major challenges. After meeting the elimination target at national level, the national strategy was revised to “Sustain Quality Leprosy Services and Further Reduce the Disease Burden due to Leprosy in Nepal: 2011-2015” based on the “Enhanced Global Strategy for Further Reducing the Disease Burden Due to Leprosy: 2011-2015” and the updated national Operational Guideline is developed based upon WHO guideline. The main principles of leprosy control are based on early detection of new cases and timely complete treatment with multi drug therapy (MDT) through integrated health services. Major target for 2020 is to reduce grade II disability below 1 per million populations. Though we have targeted to be reduced the incidence of new case & prevalence rate but it is increased from 0.77 to 0.79, 0.84, 0.82 and 0.83 respectively during FY 066/67 – 070/71 as well as the more than 3000 new cases are detecting each year. Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Focal Unit (DRFU) is established at the leprosy control division under Ministry of Health and Population. Coordination among disability organization is necessary to mainstream the leprosy issues on disability movement. In fiscal year 2014/015, new approaches and technology such as leprosy post exposure prophylaxis (LPEP) had utilized in high PR districts (Jhapa, Morang & Parsa) to break the cycle of transmission of disease and planned to expansion this programme in Dhanusa and Kapilvastu in fiscal year (2015/ 2016).
- Vision, Goals and Objectives
To make leprosy free society where there is no new leprosy cases and all the needs of existing leprosy affected persons having been fully met.
Reduce further the burden of leprosy and to break channel of transmission of leprosy from person to persons by providing quality service to all affected community.
- To eliminate leprosy (Prevalence Rate below 1 per 10,000 population) and further reduce disease burden at district level.
- To reduce disability due to leprosy.
- To reduce stigma in the community against leprosy.
- Provide high quality service for all persons affected by leprosy.
- Integrate leprosy in the integrated health care delivery set-up for provision of quality services.
Contact Us
Department of Health Services
Leprosy Control Division (LCD) Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Focal Unit (DRFU)
Ph. 4262009 Fax. 4248535 URL:
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