Hospital Services Monitoring and Strengthening Section

The work of this section are as follows:

  • Helping Ministry of Health and Population to build law, policy, guidance, quality and protocol regarding hospital reinforcement.
  • To assist the Ministry of Health and Population to strengthen necessary cooperation, policy, strategy, criteria and standards to strengthen health services with private and private hospitals.
  • To facilitate the registration, registration, renewal, and regulation of the Scientists and Territory-level hospitals.
  • To assist the Ministry of Health and Population to develop national policy rules, criteria and guidance regarding private and non-governmental hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, poli clinic registration and monitoring.
  • Monitoring and monitoring high quality of hospital services for reliability.
  • Manage radios used in the health sector to help national and international standards.
  • To facilitate and institutionalize the telemedicine service system.
  • To assist the Ministry of Health and Population to develop laws, policies, strategies, criteria, protocols to develop and institutionalize health tourism.
  • To help develop and manage national level hospitals at international level study, research and training center.
  • Prepare level treatment protocols.
  • Preparing a list of untouchable medicines and modification as needed.
  • Study and monitoring of the use of medicines in different hospital pharmacies and health institutions.
  • Preparing criteria on anti-drug use and antigen control.
  • Preparation of training materials for the health workers of various level for the use of medicines for the promotion, assisting in training operations.