Leprosy Control and Disability Management Section

The work of this section are as follows:

  • To help the Ministry of Health and Population to support national laws, policies and strategies necessary for skin disease and bacterial control.
  • Determine the criteria, protocols, guidelines prepared and quality for remedial services related to skin diseases and cardiovascular diseases provided by different level health institutions.
  • To coordinate and cooperate for the development of technological manpower related to skin disease and cardiovascular disease.
  • Necessary assistance and coordination to the state and local level for disease control and leprosy affected people.
  • Cooperative and implementing plans for the annual work plan for the disease control sector.
  • Support for leprosy-affected people for social rehabilitation and management.
  • Necessary assistance and coordination for skin disease and cardiovascular disease and research work.
  • Sourcing and management of medicines, equipment and equipment for skin diseases and cardiovascular control, management and management.
  •  Coordinating and cooperating in federal activities including training management of skin disease and leprosy control.
  • Support for monitoring and evaluation, surveillance, surveillance and research work at national level related to skin disease and cardiovascular diseases.
  • To assist the Ministry of Health and Population to develop the necessary national laws related to the injury and accident injuries and the necessary national laws related to disability management.
  • Determining the criteria and protocols required for the treatment of injured and accident injuries from various levels of health institutions and disability management.
  • Necessary assistance and coordination for treatment and disability management of injured and injured injured in the state and local level.
  • Support and implement implementation of annual work plans for treatment of injured and injured injured and disabled level management.
  • To facilitate the procurement and management of special types of medicines, equipment and tools for treatment and treatment of injured and accidental injured persons.
  • Coordinating and co-operation with bodies related to injuries and accidents and disabilities in federal level.
  • Coordinating and supporting federal services including training services of injuries and accident injuries and informational management services flow management and information management, training.
  • Help and coordinate for the rehabilitation and management of treatment services and disabilities of injured and injured injured.
  • Monitoring and monitoring, monitoring, surveillance, research and regulation of treatment services of injured and accidental injured and at national level of disability.
  • To assist and cooperate in the work and cooperation of disabled and disabled persons in connection with coordination with other government or non-governmental organizations