/ Department of Health Services

Department of Health Services

Updated at 02 January, 2025, Thursday

Department of Health Services The overall purpose of the Department of Health Services (DoHS) is to deliver preventive, promotive and curative health services throughout nepal. The DoHS is one of three departments under Ministry of Health & Population(MoHP). According to the institutional framework of the DoHS and MoHP, the health post (from an institutional perspective) is the first contact point for basic health services. However, in reality, the HP is the referral centre of the volunteer cadres of TBAs and FCHVs as well as a venue for community-based activities such as PHC outreach clinics and EPI clinics. Each level above the HP is a referral point in a network from HP to PHCC, on to district zonal and regional hospitals, and finally to specialty tertiary care centres in Kathmandu. This referral hierarchy has been designed to ensure that the majority of population receive public health and minor treatment in places accessible to them and at a price they can afford. Inversely, the system works as a supporting mechanism for lower levels by providing logistical, financial, supervisory, and technical support from the centre to the periphery. Description of Tasks To provide GoN (Government of Nepal) necessary technical advice in formulating health related policies, develop and expand health institutions established in line with these policies. To determine requirement of manpower for health institutions and develop such manpower by preparing short and long term plans. To ensure supply of drugs, equipment, instruments and other material at regional level by properly managing these resources. To mobilize assistance in the implementation of approved programmes by preparing, asking for preparation of objective programmes related to various aspects of public health (family health, family planning, child health, infectious disease control, eradication of malnutrition, control of AIDS and STDs). To manage the immediate solution of problems arising from natural disasters and epidemics. To establish relationships with foreign countries and international institutions with the objective of enhancing effectiveness and developing health services and assist the Ministry of Health in receiving foreign aid by clearly identifying the area of cooperation. To create a conducive atmosphere to encourage the private sector, non-governmental organizations and foreign institutions to participate in health services, maintain relation and coordination, control quality of health services by regular supervision and inspection. To systematically maintain data, statements and information regarding health services, update and publish them as required. To fix designated positions of employees up to gazetted 2nd class, inter-directorate transfer, initiate departmental action and provide reward, etc. To clear audit irregularities of central level offices, projects and regional level offices. The overall purpose of the Department of Health Services (DoHS) is to deliver preventive, promotive and curative health services throughout nepal. The DoHS is one of three departments under Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP). According to the institutional framework of the DoHS and MoHP, the health post (from an institutional perspective) is the first contact point for basic health services. However, in reality, the HP is the referral centre of the volunteer cadres of TBAs and FCHVs as well as a venue for community-based activities such as PHC outreach clinics and EPI clinics. Each level above the HP is a referral point in a network from HP to PHCC, on to district zonal and regional hospitals, and finally to specialty tertiary care centres in Kathmandu. This referral hierarchy has been designed to ensure that the majority of population receive public health and minor treatment in places accessible to them and at a price they can afford. Inversely, the system works as a supporting mechanism for lower levels by providing logistical, financial, supervisory, and technical support from the centre to the periphery. Description of Tasks To provide GoN (Government of Nepal) with necessary technical advice in formulating health related policies, develop and expand health institutions established in line with these policies. To determine requirement of manpower for health institutions and develop such manpower by preparing short and long term plans. To ensure supply of drugs, equipment, instruments and other material at regional level by properly managing these resources. To mobilize assistance in the implementation of approved programmes by preparing, asking for preparation of objective programmes related to various aspects of public health (family health, family planning, child health, infectious disease control, eradication of malnutrition, control of AIDS and STDs). To manage the immediate solution of problems arising from natural disasters and epidemics. To establish relationships with foreign countries and international institutions with the objective of enhancing effectiveness and developing health services and assist the Ministry of Health in receiving foreign aid by clearly identifying the area of cooperation. To create a conducive atmosphere to encourage the private sector, non-governmental organizations and foreign institutions to participate in health services, maintain relation and coordination, control quality of health services by regular supervision and inspection. To systematically maintain data, statements and information regarding health services, update and publish them as required. To fix designated positions of employees up to gazetted 2nd class, inter-directorate transfer, initiate departmental action and provide reward, etc. To clear audit irregularities of central level offices, projects and regional level offices.

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